Well, it’s that time of year. The time of year that every parent either loves or loathes. The time of year when Crayola crayons are scarce and trying to pick the perfect backpack is the biggest decision on every kid’s mind. I tell people that I’m excited for our kids to go back to school, but truthfully my heart always breaks a little as summer draws to a close. I know that next year my kids will be an entire year older, and it just seems like the years are flying by faster than I can take them in. And no matter how many photos or videos I take of them, I always find myself looking through my albums from a year or two ago and wishing I had more. This is one part of parenthood no one ever prepared me for, the sadness that accompanies the excitement of watching your babies grow. Watching them get older, bigger, smarter, sassier, more independent… Before you know it the 7 pound baby they sent home with you from the hospital is almost as tall as you are, and ready to take on the world. And I know I can’t stop it, but I’m just not ready guys. I miss toddlerhood, and I know I’ll miss childhood too, and I just wish I could pause this stage for a moment.
The kids are going to be in first grade and pre-k this year and honestly it doesn’t seem possible. I’m not ready for the early mornings and days without them (Allie is the best little helper with the baby), but I know they’re really excited. We had open house last week and the kids had a blast exploring their new elementary school! I just hope they keep that same positive outlook as we get further into the year.
Good luck to all the kiddos and parents getting ready for another school year! I hope that it’s a good, and safe year for everyone!
PS: if you think about it, send us some good vibes or prayers that the kids adjust well to their new school. Ryker has had the same special education teacher since he was 18 months old so this momma is understandably a little nervous to see how he adjusts to a new authority figure.

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